Nikhil Thatte, Hosts the 2022 Life Science Future – Medtech, Investor Reverse Pitch Event

July 21, 2022 / Lumira News

Thursday, July 21st, 2022 at 1 pm ET, Lumira Ventures Principal, Nikhil Thatte hosts the Investor Reverse Pitch Presentation at the 2022 Life Science Future – Medtech Conference. Life Sciences Future – MedTech is an annual event focused on joining Pennsylvania’s medical device, diagnostics and digital health communities. Designed for all knowledge and experience levels – those currently working in the MedTech industry, those who would like to learn more about the field, and those who would like to share their research with industry professionals. Through key event features – Company Reverse Pitches, Investor Reverse-Pitches, Live Podcast Recording, Partnering, Scientific Posters and Keynote Speakers – attendees have the opportunity to grow their business, enhance their network and prepare them for the future of Medtech!

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