Dr. Kamran Khan and Technology behind Bluedot

October 19, 2020 / Lumira News
Lumira Ventures Lunch and Learn Series

Dr. Kamran Khan is an infectious disease physician with training in public health and preventive medicine based at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto Ontario. He is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Dalla Lana School Of Public Health at the University of Toronto. His research interests focus on the globalization of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases. He is the founder of BlueDot.

BlueDot is a Canadian-based company located in Toronto, Ontario which was among the first in world to identify the emerging risk from COVID-19 in Hubei province and published the first scientific paper accurately predicting eight of the first ten cities to import the novel coronavirus.

We welcome you to watch this video in which Dr. Khan presented this fascinating technology during the Lumira Ventures Lunch and Learn series.

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