Canada’s Health Care Innovation Status and What Must Happen to Boost Our System to the Next Level: Peter van der Velden Shares his Thoughts on the ReBoot Health Podcast

November 22, 2021 / Lumira News

As a seasoned veteran in the Canadian health ecosystem, Lumira Ventures Managing General Partner, Peter van der Velden shares his perspective on the critical aspects that fuel the system in a captivating discussion with Amol Deshpande on the Reboot Health Podcast. Peter shares his experience entering the venture capital sector, the importance of people, places, policies, and capital in fueling our system and what he believes must happen in order to accelerate the ecosystem to the highest level. In addition, Peter provides insights into the status of the current Canadian health ecosystem, sourcing talent and capital to grow the biotech industry, the role of government in life sciences and how to shift capital landscape and venture models to establish a successful roadmap to healthcare innovation.

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