Celebrating The Inspirational Women of Lumira Ventures: International Women’s Day 2022

March 8, 2022 / Lumira News

Every year on March 8th, we observe International Women’s Day by honoring the social, political, economic, and cultural achievements of women globally. Additionally, the day marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. This year’s theme is – #BreakTheBias, seeking to reimage a gender-equal world, free from all bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. “Whether deliberate or unconscious, the bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Knowing that bias exists isn’t enough. Action is needed to level the playing field.” We are all responsible to break the bias against women: in our workplace, communities, every aspect.

At Lumira Ventures, we are passionate about supporting the most diversely inclusive set of brilliant female minds. Our strong team of female leaders is incredibly diverse, not only in terms of gender but additionally in race, ethnicity, and work responsibility. Women of various ethnicities and races populate all levels of our operation and investment teams, and we at Lumira Ventures firmly believe this diversity is a key to our success.

Lumira Ventures Female Team Leaders: From left, Suman Rao, Ph.D., Associate, Alice Luo, Ph.D., Analyst, Dahlia Abbott, Accounting / Office Manager, Jacki Jenuth, Ph.D., Partner and COO, Baye Galligan, MA, HBA, Associate, Alyssia Watkin, Junior Analyst. Not pictured, Ayah Abdeldayem, VIP Candidate.

Along with our internal team, we have a long history of investing in the brightest and most inspirational female founders and entrepreneurs. Our long and successful track record of investing in female leaders demonstrates the power of women transforming the biotechnology ecosystem.

Along with these outstanding female leaders in our current portfolio, we had the opportunity to support two additional incredible female founders throughout our Fund II investments.

Thank you to the inspirational and powerful female leaders of Lumira Ventures and the inspirational women around the globe. Our team and ecosystem appreciate you, your work, and your commitment to driving the future of innovation and inclusion.

On this day, and every day, Lumira Ventures is committed to further breaking the bias, removing inequality, terminating stereotypes, and rejecting discrimination in our communities and workplace.

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