Redefining Cardiac Care Through Smart Diagnostics

February 22, 2024 / Success Stories

For 27 years, Lorene Bardy, the late wife of Bardy Diagnostics founder Gust Bardy, M.D., battled a rare heart rhythm disorder. Despite consulting numerous expert electrophysiologists, the inability to visualize and record her P wave left her condition undiagnosed, and her unique arrhythmia went unaddressed. At the young age of 52, Lorene suddenly passed by cardiac arrest, a loss Dr. Bardy attributes to the suboptimal state of diagnostic technologies. A seasoned electrophysiologist since 1983, Dr. Bardy was deeply affected by the painful experience of watching his wife suffer from a disease that lacked a clear diagnosis. This personal loss ignited a relentless drive to revolutionize cardiac care. In 2013, he founded Bardy Diagnostics, fusing his medical expertise with a personal mission to develop breakthrough cardiac monitoring solutions. His vision: to help physicians obtain more accurate information about actionable events in the hopes of saving lives and preventing others from experiencing the pain his family endured.

Solution: The Carnation Ambulatory Monitor (CAM™)

Bardy Carnation Ambulatory Monitor Patch Decreases Diagnosis Time and Readmissions | DAIC

The Carnation Ambulatory Monitor (CAM™) is the first non-invasive, P-wave-centric ambulatory cardiac monitor and arrhythmia detection device designed to enhance signal detection, patient compliance, and physician care procedures. Utilizing advanced compression algorithms to process signals more effectively and short patch vectors to overcome signal-to-noise limitations, this technology is rigorously optimized to ensure clear P-wave recording and superior detection of heart rhythms. The device’s form and placement are engineered to improve patient comfort while providing higher rhythm specificity. The sensor is strategically positioned over the sternum, directly on top of the heart, to minimize noisy muscle stimulation and enhance the capture of the P-wave signal [1]*.

Ambulatory ECG Monitoring Solutions Made Simple | Bardy Diagnostics

The hourglass shape ensures comfort in this area and was thoughtfully designed to address the often-overlooked comfort needs of the female chest. With its lifestyle-enabling form factor, patients can comfortably go about their daily activities with confidence. CAM™ offers flexible wear periods of 48 hours, 7 days, or 14 days, with continuous 24/7 monitoring via BDxCONNECT, a versatile patient management portal. When experiencing symptoms, patients simply press the button on the device, triggering the automatic sending of a report to their physician for analysis to determine if intervention is needed. Once the wear period concludes, the data is uploaded, and a comprehensive analysis of the ECG data is generated, providing a detailed view of the heart’s rhythm across multiple fields. With an industry-leading two-day report turnaround, physicians receive higher-resolution ECG data that reveals previously unrecognized patterns, leading to more clinically actionable diagnoses [1]*.

Generating Impact Today 

The CAM™ patch is rapidly becoming the new standard of care in cardiac monitoring and the trusted choice for electrophysiologists, cardiologists, and physicians worldwide. The 14-day CAM™ patch, in addition to the 2- and 7-day versions, is commercially available and FDA-cleared, actively being used to improve cardiac care across the U.K., U.S., and Canada. The successful commercialization of the product, coupled with strong clinical evidence, clearly demonstrates the significant impact of this technology. With further development and expansion into new clinical settings, it is evident that Bardy’s technology will continue to improve arrhythmia detection and diagnosis for patients worldwide [1]*.

The life-saving potential of Bardy’s technology continues to evolve, benefiting patients in various ways. The CAM™ patch is now being used in newly established protocols at hospitals in Seattle, WA, to monitor cardiac rhythms in COVID-19 patients receiving Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatment. HCQ has been shown to prolong the QT interval, which can lead to the potentially lethal arrhythmia, Torsades de Pointes. The BardyDx CAM™ patch’s unique ability to detect and record low-frequency, low-amplitude cardiac rhythms makes it especially valuable for monitoring QT intervals and diagnosing Torsades de Pointes [1]*.

As of February 2024, the CAM™ patch has been used to monitor over 40,000 patients, and its acceptance continues to grow rapidly due to consistently positive feedback from both patients and physicians. Promising clinical evidence and peer-reviewed data further highlight the advantages of this innovative medical technology, demonstrating its superior weight and effectiveness compared to existing monitors. The CAM™ patch has proven to have a greater impact on clinical decision-making, patient comfort, and arrhythmia diagnosis [1]*.

34% and 40%
4X more clinically

Learn more about Bardy Diagnostics


Source List:

[1] Source: Bardy Diagnostics,, 2024

*All statements have been reviewed and validated by Bardy Diagnostics. References and supporting information can be found on the company’s official website.

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